07475 740880 info@sambeagle.co.uk

Brutal Landmine Lower Body Finisher

You’ve probably done some sort of complex for the upper body, or a giant set with a previous trainer but here’s a new spin on a complex you’ve probably never seen before. It starts with the exercise requiring the heaviest weight, before moving to the...

How To Get Strong In Under 30 Mins

One of my clients is off on business to Australia and NZ over the next two weeks. She’s a highly decorated RAF personnel. One of the issues, besides getting over jet lag is the limited time she has to train, around 30 mins per day – 5:30am to 6. It’s...

How To Achieve Your First Pull Up

The pull-up is the holy grail of all upper-body exercises. The one exercise that separates the weak from the strong. One true test of upper body strength that anyone can work towards. Yes, you heard that right. Anyone. Regardless of whether you’re 50 and overweight or...

How to get good at press-ups

There’s nothing better than being able to have the go-to-go with the show. Being able to do press-ups at the drop of a hat is one of those tricks everyone needs up their sleeves. I’m writing this after one of my clients went away for a break to LA and managed to beat...

How Strong Should I Be?

A lot of clients who walk into my studio see an open gym space, with minimal equipment. Few bars, a set of dumbbells and kettlebells, and ask where the machines are. Commercial gyms are filled with equipment, the floor space is limited, and general pop usually hop...