07475 740880 info@sambeagle.co.uk

How To Get Strong In Under 30 Mins

One of my clients is off on business to Australia and NZ over the next two weeks. She’s a highly decorated RAF personnel. One of the issues, besides getting over jet lag is the limited time she has to train, around 30 mins per day – 5:30am to 6. It’s...

How To Achieve Your First Pull Up

The pull-up is the holy grail of all upper-body exercises. The one exercise that separates the weak from the strong. One true test of upper body strength that anyone can work towards. Yes, you heard that right. Anyone. Regardless of whether you’re 50 and overweight or...

7 Common Strength Training Mistakes

When constructing programs for clients there are many factors that go into making it unique, individualised and programmed in a way that is the most efficient way of getting results. Whilst each individual person requires certain differences. Everyone’s hip mobility,...