07475 740880 info@sambeagle.co.uk

How To Get Strong In Under 30 Mins

One of my clients is off on business to Australia and NZ over the next two weeks. She’s a highly decorated RAF personnel. One of the issues, besides getting over jet lag is the limited time she has to train, around 30 mins per day – 5:30am to 6. It’s...

How to track your workouts

One way of staying on top of your fitness and knowing whether you’re heading in the right direction is to track your workouts. Every. Single. Time. You. Go. It’s one of the best and most underrated ways of transforming your body. No more phones, distractions, or...

How Strong Should I Be?

A lot of clients who walk into my studio see an open gym space, with minimal equipment. Few bars, a set of dumbbells and kettlebells, and ask where the machines are. Commercial gyms are filled with equipment, the floor space is limited, and general pop usually hop...