07475 740880 info@sambeagle.co.uk

3 Rules For Easily Navigating Social Situations

We all know how hard it is to resist temptation later on in the evening when you’re friends have handed off a few drinks your way and you’re batting them away as best you can. (Or in most cases not at all). What if you’re a social bee and regularly out, whether that...

Why MyFitnesspal Isn’t Working For You

Most people who need to lose weight will flick back and forth between different diets, struggling endlessly to control their intake and keep the weight off for good. With that, is myfitnesspal a viable choice for those who seem resistant to losing weight? Let’s dig...

Weighing yourself daily matters, here’s why

I originally created this article for my email subscribers but after a bit of feedback, and the nature of the content I thought it would be best to share it here. If you want to be a part, click here. I long debated asking my clients to weigh themselves daily,...

10 Questions To Find Your Deepest Values In Life

Over the years I’ve often found the true success factor that determines whether you’ll get in shape or not isn’t about how much hard work you’re willing to put in. But more about the amount of work you’re willing to put in when you really don’t want to. It’s easy to...

How to get good at press-ups

There’s nothing better than being able to have the go-to-go with the show. Being able to do press-ups at the drop of a hat is one of those tricks everyone needs up their sleeves. I’m writing this after one of my clients went away for a break to LA and managed to beat...