07475 740880 info@sambeagle.co.uk

The Tech I Use For My Personal Training Business

It’s a little overwhelming trying to find the right tools to use when you start your personal training business. There are waaaay too many tools to use to just book in. clients, let alone track measurements and workouts. I’ve definitely been there, using different...

How Strong Should I Be?

A lot of clients who walk into my studio see an open gym space, with minimal equipment. Few bars, a set of dumbbells and kettlebells, and ask where the machines are. Commercial gyms are filled with equipment, the floor space is limited, and general pop usually hop...

How to Meal Prep In Less Than An Hour

You’re probably thinking it’s too much effort, and you may not want to heat up your food again, but preparing your food ahead of time – and then grabbing it when you need it is one of the most effective ways of limiting what you’re consuming,...

3,2, 1 Method For Your Meals

A quick and easy way of getting your food in order is to follow the 3, 2, 1 method. It’s simple and easy to follow. 3 Breakfast ideas 2 Lunch ideas 1 Dinner idea Why so many options? Because breakfast is the one that most people skip the most. I see it with my...

How To Properly Warm Up For Your Lifts

Pumping out 20 reps of your first exercise is probably as far as your warm up goes, and then you begin to wonder why your tendons, ligaments, and joints become inflamed. As you get older, the importance of the warm up begins to show. Most of my clients are in their...